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Where to find INSULATION REMOVAL VACUUM in Kingsport

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Daily: $159.00
Weekly: $459.00
  • Commando Power Vacuum GX240 Honda
  • Ideal for Contractors to remove loose fill insulation from attics after floods, fires, roof damage, animal intrusion and natural disasters.
  • Honda GX240
  • 1500 CFM Air Flow
  • Heavy duty material handling fan
  • Processing rate 2880 lbs/hr
  • Wet and dry insulation pick up
  • 6" Inlet
  • 8" Discharge
  • Weight approx.125 lbs
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* Prices are subject to change.

* Please call us with any questions you may have about our insulation removal vacuum in Kingsport TN, Johnson City, Elizabethton, Rogersville TN, Gate City VA and the NE Tennessee, SE Kentucky and SW Virginia Tri-State Area.